Zenfolio's process for purchasing consists of the following basic steps:
Step 1: Select the photo(s) for purchasing/downloading
Step 2: If relevant, choose the Product Category (this step is skipped if the products fall into 1 category)
Step 3: Choose the product(s) to purchase: add to shopping cart
Step 4: Adjustments & personalization
There's also a video tutorial here if you prefer less reading!
We're going to do a simple, one-at-a-time process here (in the gallery thumbnail view you can select & buy multiple pictures).
While viewing a photo (repeat clicking on the thumbnails until you get to the photo itself):
1. move your cursor over the top left hand picture corner to activate the menu
2. select the “Menu> BUY” item, as shown below.
The categories are displayed either as icons or as a text listing, depending on the displayed view (“By Category”, “Product Catalogue” - I personally prefer the icon view):
Display “By Category” View:
Display “Product Catalogue” View:
The categories offered depends on the original photograph characteristics (size & quality) and the products customized for it. In this example, we have:
Postage Stamps |
Fotoflots(“Photo-floats” - Wall Mounts) |
1. Prints are broken down into sub-categories, Like “Small Prints” & “Medium & Large Prints”
2. Scroll through the various products in your chosen category and single-click the product to expand the buying options (Paper Type, qty)
3. Once you’ve chosen your paper type & quantity, click [Add to Cart].
Note: The different paper types are described on the right-hand-side of the screen.
Clicking [Add to Cart] returns you to the picture view with a confirmation that the item was added to your cart.
The screen below is the final checkout screen, BUT, there are a few adjustment options you may want to consider before checkout!
Adjustment options are:
You can do a last-minute change on paper type - note that selecting “Black & White” changes the picture to a black & white photo automatically, using Zenfolio’s standard conversion.
If you’d like a custom B&W conversion, please contact me.
Clicking “Color Conversion” takes you into - what I call - the “Final Adjustment” screen, shown below:
The 3 color conversions available are:
Original Color
Black & White
Sepia Tone
Clicking “Reset” will return the photo to its original Color settings.
Here’s a really nice feature to allow further customization of your photo to suit your individual taste!
Clicking “Cropping” takes you back into the same “Final Adjustment” screen, shown below:
Cropping maintains the dimensions of the size paper, so you cannot adjust length or width independently.
Moving your cursor anywhere over the image activates the automatic ‘rotate’ button.
When clicked, will automatically rotate the print area border 90 degrees & size the cropping according to the paper dimensions.
Note the warning that Important parts of the image must be inside the inner Red line of the print area border.
In this selection example, the printable area is 100% within the bounds of the image selection, so no warning is given that white area will be printed.
Here you can add additional products to your cart for the same photo.
Here is Zenfolio's video tutorial on how to purchase prints from a Gallery: